Sunday 21 December 2008

Current thoughts.

The Christmas holidays have begun, its scary how fast time has flown.
It seems like only yesterday, I was worrying over my college/6th form applications - can't believe now it's University.

I have ALOT of revision and work to do - bit of a drag. But meh, they need to be done. I bet I'll start everything the day before school opens.

Everyones fussing over Twilight, I suppose I'm in no position to say this as I haven't really read the books...but why?
I didn't watch it yeserday but instead had an awesome time with Fatima <3
We grabbed a drink and sat in a cafe for hours, can't believe the things we can talk about.
Ahh this reminds me of the time we spent 4 hours in Ocean Blue, talking and talking and talking.
Good times!

Oh yeh, I've decided what I'm going to order at Nandos the next time I go :)
&&& a SALAD is in the picture!!

