Saturday 20 December 2008

Live a Little.

Why don't people live a little?
Do something you're not allowed to do!
Do something illegal! - ok maybe not murder, rape or any of that shit.

You can't waste this life.
It's far too short.

I cannot stand people who go ON AND ON about the things they want to do - & then don't do it.
You sound pathetic, what's holding you back?

Woah, ok this is starting to sound like a rant.
Well it's actually not one.
It's just recently all of my friends and the people I know are having to make some pretty life changing decisions - about Universities etc.
& I've realised so many people are off to University next year when in fact they'd rather do something else, like take a gap year, travel abit - all of that shizzle.
It's pretty sad watching people put themselves through the dreadful process of UCAS applications for something they don't truely believe in or want.

Anyway, I have got to say this - FATIMA IS AWESOME!
That little minx is going to live a dream next year and all the best to her!


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